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Monday, November 23, 2009

Rave #11: Sunscreen

It sounds weird, I get it. But I love sunscreen (shout out to OLIVIA, my sunscreen buddy).

Now, obviously there's the whole health aspect to sunscreen (keeps you from getting sun spots, keeps you from getting skin cancer and dying a gory death, etc). That's important, yeah. That's certainly why my parents (mother) always put sunscreen on me as a kid. However, since then my love for sunscreen has surpassed the normal health paranoia.

I think first there's the whole childhood memories thing. Whenever my mom put sunscreen on me, she'd accompany it with a song: "Goop goop goop goop goop goop goop goop goop! Goooooop!" (She'd be happy to sing it for you. Ask her the next time you see her. Shout out to MOMMY!) Now, every morning when I apply sunscreen, I hear my mother's voice in my mind. (Awwww).

Secondly, there's that sunscreen smell. I love it. (Shout out to CAROLINE MCCANCE. God. Evidently I have a lot of sunscreen buddies). It's like the smell of the ocean and tacky beachside tchotchke shops and family games of Spades all in one. 

And then, obviously, there's the whole health thing. I don't want to get skin cancer and die. Or get skin cancer and get unsightly spots on my skin. 

So next time ya'll (shout out to LOLA, EMILY, and MARTHA) mock me mercilessly for my love of sunscreen, and for wearing sun screen in the middle of November, I shall refer you back to this post and you'll feel guilty for bashing my treasured childhood memories.

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