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Monday, December 6, 2010

Twee! 2010

As my long-time readers know, last winter I blogged about a series of holiday-spirited hats that I wore, a new one every day, from the first of December to when I left school on the eighteenth. You'll be pleased to know that I'm doing the same this year; however, many of the hats I'm wearing are repeats from last year. Thus, I'll only be blogging about the new ones.

WHICH, incidentally, today's is! (New, I mean.) Without further ado, I present to you the Green Tinsel & Mini Green Flamingo With a Santa Hat (as I have dubbed this creation -- trips off the tongue, doesn't it?):
One might argue that this is really more of a headdress than a hat, per se, which I accept. (Remember, last year I had several headbands/bows.) And since I know you're all dying to know the materials I used and the steps I took in the creation of this masterpiece, here goes:

Materials: 2 elastic bands, 1 green flamingo with a Santa hat pen (my mother found this one for me at the $1 section at Target), 1 small-ish tinsel wreath (green is best, as it looks like a super-classy lawn for the flamingo. Sorta)

Step 1: Make a ponytail on top of your head. Not on the side. Not a high ponytail. On top of your head.

Step 2: Wrap the ponytail around itself to create a bun effect. Secure your bun with the other elastic band.

Step 3: Place the wreath on top of your head. I had to rearrange it a bit so it fit better.

Step 4: Jam the pen into your bun. This look is probably only achievable if you have relatively long hair. Or, I suppose, you could pop one of those funny-looking hairpieces on and then jam the flamingo into that.

And there you have it! A look fit for a Christmas goddess.

Oh, and several of my readers might be wondering why I didn't blur my face out, the way I have with pictures in the past. See, I have decided that in order to really show off my hats I need to have my face visible. (The problem many people have with hats is that they let the hats wear them. I assure you, I wear my hats.) Also, this way, you can admire the way the light reflected in the tinsel bounces off of my cheekbones.

Stay posted for more twee updates!