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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Rave #27: Thru-Hiking, continued

Oh. My. God. You guys, my Internet sleuthing has led me to a marvelous find.

As many of you know, I'm slightly infatuated with the concept of  thru-hiking the Appalachian trail. In New Hampshire, I met a lovely man named Hellbender, who was a thru-hiker. We bonded. I gave him my fruit. He showed me his pack.

Recently, I was wondering whatever came of Hellbender, and whether or not he managed to finish. So, I with my computer skills, did a little Google research: "Hellbender" + "(his first name; I'm not saying it in case you're a really really good Internet sleuther -- even better than I -- and go all crazy stalking him, which would be creepy!)" + "Appalachian Trail". Guess what I found out?

He made it. On September 2nd, 2009, Hellbender finished hiking the Appalachian Trail, having left on March 13th, 2009. (Do the math. I'm in the midst of finals right now -- well, currently I'm in the midst of my study break -- and am in no mood to do the math for you). 

Thus, this post is dedicated to him. Hellbender, you are my inspiration. While kosher pigs will fly before I thru-hike, I admire your chutzpah and packing skills. Good job. I'm proud of you.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Rave #26: My Self-Defense Class

A few weeks ago, I took a self-defense class.

Let me give a little backstory here. My mother, dear woman, is so desperate to spend time with me she's game for just about anything. When I was in eighth grade, we took a belly-dancing class together (we wanted to take the didgeridoo class, but it was sold out). I was the youngest in the class. She was the second youngest. (Then we took a second belly-dancing class at a local college, and we weren't the best in the class anymore.) She's very game, my mother is, so when I mentioned that my school (yes, I'm still in school, but we recently had a lecture on Internet safety [plus I totally took a self-defense class] so don't try any funny business, all you stalkers out there) was hosting a series of self-defense classes, she was so up for it.

Thus, one Sunday, my mother came up to my school to take our self-defense class. This class was taught by Officer D., a beloved presence on campus. I've never done anything like it before (see various other blog posts, including Thru-Hiking and Olympic Fever), and, as I'd hope ya'll know by now, athleticism is not my thing. That said, my mother was game, and so we decided to do it together.

It was awesome. My mom and I got really into it -- in fact, she managed to draw blood on two separate occasions. (My right elbow is still recuperating, four weeks later). A punching bag was involved. I fell in love with aforementioned punching bag (turns out punching sand bags is a remarkably effective way of getting out my pent-up anger). My mother was quite skilled as well; afterwards, she remarked that she was the second-best in the class. (We tend to be competitive about that sort of that. That and Quiddler. [Which, incidentally, I won on Saturday, though Lannie Mill put up a good fight]). Unfortunately, we weren't able to attend the next week's class, but I hear pepper spray was involved.

If anyone's wondering what I want for my birthday next year (or as a National Limerick Day present [May 12th]), a punching bag would be greatly appreciated.

Totally unrelated, but shout out to MAROLINE STILLINGHAM and SCARLOTTE STOVE. Thanks for the "oi vey!" mug. I love it.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Rave #25: My Favorite Things

Some of my loyal readers have been kvetching that I don't update my blog often enough. And it's true; when I first started out, back in November, I was certainly more prolific. The first day I had my blog, I believe I posted 6 or 7 times. Now, I'm down to once every one or two weeks. I know you guys want more. I do, believe me. And I truly wish I'd post more.

Because, you see, I do love blogging. It makes me happy. Whenever I have something to blog about, I do.

But I don't. 

I just don't have inspiration.

If you want me to blog, give me an idea. Give me a topic. I love comments. Even anonymous ones. And, if I like it, I'll blog about it. (I'm not going to blog about something boring, though. Or anything intense. So don't be all, "what's your opinion on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?", because I'm not going to share that).

In the meantime, I'm going to give you a list of my top 5 favorite websites that I peruse weekly. When you're feeling sad, go look at these, and remember: I'm only a comment away. (Note: all of these are horrifically addictive, and my time procrastinating rose exponentially with the discovery of each). 

Emma's Top Five Favorite Website in No Particular Order, by Emma:
  1. chronicles horrifically bad prom dress, background, and date choices and mocks them mercilessly. Especially fun now, when the school year's winding down and we're getting into prom season.
  2., which is a collection of hilarious interactions between customers and workers. Quite funny.
  3. I like to keep up with current events.
  4. Absolutely addictive. It's a collection of etiquette & manner horror stories, and it's incredible.
  5. Check it out. 

Have a lovely evening.

ONE LAST THING: shout out to PAYLIN SNO. Happy birthday, darling.